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/ Apple Reference & Presen…tion Library 2 (Reseller) / Apple R&P Lib Reseller v2.0.iso / 1-Reference / Apple Graphics Library / T⁄Maker ClickArt® / Holidays / Fold-Presents (.png) < prev    next >
MacPaint Image  |  1985-10-03  |  23KB  |  576x720  |  1-bit (2 colors)
Labels: airplane | flower | grass | person | plant | plaything | poster | print buffer | sidewalk | sky | windowpane
OCR: Fold -Presents CHRISTMAS PRESENTS ClickArtm Holidays Cut on solid lines .X.X Carefully cut around tabs Firmly crease a11 fo1ds befi fore gluing. LOOP Evenlu spread Elmer's g1ue on tabs RIBBON GLUF TO BOX GLUE TABS GL T ABS W AYAYAYAY AAAL :UAUAUAL GLUE BOW TO BOX GLUF TABS TABS STOCKINGS T 19 GLUE TO MANTELPIECE STOCKINGS CHRI ISTMAS ClickArt folds Evenly anib TARS